Based on the construction of traditional flip-flop, we propose a novel edge-triggered flip-flip using one latch controlled by narrow pulse according to race-hazard of clock. 在传统触发器结构的基础上,本文提出了单闩锁结构边沿触发器设计,它通过利用时钟信号的竞争冒险产生窄脉冲控制单一锁存器以实现触发器的一次状态转换功能。
The operating frequency, the operating channel and power of the radio set was controlled with D trigger the circuit generated latch-pulse. 利用D触发器和锁存脉冲产生电路控制电台工作频率、功率、工作信道。
Pulse width counting method is to compare the grayscale signal from binary image that stored in the latch, with the value in the counter. The counter and comparator control the duty cycle of the pulse in order to modulate the grayscale signal. 脉宽计数法是将保存在锁存器中的二进制图像的灰度信号,与计数器中的数值通过比较器比较,由计数器和比较器来控制脉冲的占空比,从而达到调制灰度信号的作用。